Design Objective: Create a unique monthly, quarterly, or annual subscription box. The subscription box should be produced with one of the month's contents inside. Produce the box using dielines. The box should be interactive and contain the company’s social handles. Create and populate these social media profiles with engaging content, and compile findings into a Digital Marketing Case Study. A website prototype should be created for the subscription boxes using images of the box and multiple pages of content.
Design Brief: Humanitea Spice Co. is a tea and spice monthly subscription box that strives to educate consumers on how to properly utilize the power of spices and teas. The Humanitea Spice Co. logo is a teacup with a cross on the front and a pestle sitting inside to symbolize the medicinal benefits of the products. The teacup is surrounded by ripples that resemble a saucer using Gestalt figure-ground theory. The company is dedicated to reliable and safe sourcing of materials that subscribe to be waste-free or sustainable. The box comes with three teas and three spices along with recipe cards. The box also contains swag items such as stickers and a box of tea filters for those who do not use loose-leaf tea. The Humanitea website has a home, shop, and explore page. The homepage introduces the box and showcases user-generated content from their social media. The shop page allows you to purchase bulk bags of your favorite spices, extra filters, and artisan-made tableware. The explore page teaches visitors about Humanitea’s spices, where they come from, and their health benefits. Along with the website prototype, a digital marketing case study was conducted, finding the best social media platforms to use to garner more customers and determining when the best time to post would be based on the subscription box’s target audience and demographic.